Although EU countries have made large steps in unifying their legislation, there are still major differences especially in the field of business and accounting regulations. One of the most frequent questions asked by foreign investors who step onto Bulgarian market is whether all companies registered in Bulgaria are subject to annual financial audit.
According to Bulgarian Accounting Act enterprises which over the current or the previous year do not exceed the indicators under two of the following criteria:
1. Balance sheet assets as of 31 December: BGN 1.5 million
2. Net income from sales for the year: BGN 2.5 million
3. Average number of personnel for the year: 50
are referred to as Enterprises applying a simplified form of financial reporting. Such companies are not subject to independent financial audit by registered auditors unless these companies are:
1. Joint stock companies and partnerships limited by shares
2. Enterprises which are issuers in the meaning of the Public Offering of Securities Act
3. Credit institutions, insurance and investment undertakings, companies for additional
social security and the funds managed by them